Inter cooler seal kit

The inter cooler seal kit are used for the assembly, first the seals are needed to prevent the leak of the water when it comes into the tubes, on the other hand the air or oil needs to be kept in the housing by the seals. The cooler assembly would need a couple of seals in different types which called inter cooler seal kit.

There’re two kinds of fluids in air compressor cooler system, the hot fluid such as the compressed air or lubricant oil, the cool fluid which is the cooling water. The seals will be positioned at the connections of the parts where has fluids. For example, there’re gaskets between the water inlet channel and the tube sheet, gaskets between the water return cover and another tube sheet.

intercooler seal kit

O rings are the most common seals for air compressor coolers

Different type parts need different shape of seals. For the Centac intercooler, the o rings are used a lot as the cooler is in round shape. There’re o rings for two tube sheets, also o rings for middle core pipe to seal the connection between the core pipe and tube sheets, and the contact with the machine housing. Centac intercooler also has the famous waffle gasket, to prevent the air from going into the pipes.

intercooler gasketFor the rectangle shape inter cooler such as Cooper Cameron, IHI , Elliott or parts of Samsung, the gaskets are used as the seal kit. Besides, there’s another kind of special of seal parts, the seal strip, which are at the sides and top of the cooler, to seal the contact of the housing.

intercooler seal kit

So the inter cooler seal kit are different from models to models, each model has its own need of the seals, even one same model inter cooler may have the seal kit of straight tube type and U tube type. There’s no standard seal kit which could cover all brands or models.

The seal kit needs to be replaced when the coolers token out of the machine to do the maintenance or cleaning. The old seals are stuck on the cooler or machine and it would be broken. Also the seals get ageing after working in the pressurized and high temperature environment. Article of IGcooler, all rights reserved.